www.gusucode.com > Piwik 网站流量统计系统 v2.9.1PHP源码程序 > Piwik 网站流量统计系统 v2.9.1/piwik/piwik/core/CronArchive.php

 * Piwik - free/libre analytics platform
 * @link http://piwik.org
 * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html GPL v3 or later
namespace Piwik;

use Exception;
use Piwik\ArchiveProcessor\Rules;
use Piwik\CronArchive\FixedSiteIds;
use Piwik\CronArchive\SharedSiteIds;
use Piwik\Period\Factory as PeriodFactory;
use Piwik\DataAccess\InvalidatedReports;
use Piwik\Plugins\SitesManager\API as APISitesManager;

 * ./console core:archive runs as a cron and is a useful tool for general maintenance,
 * and pre-process reports for a Fast dashboard rendering.
class CronArchive
    // the url can be set here before the init, and it will be used instead of --url=
    public static $url = false;

    // Max parallel requests for a same site's segments

    // force-timeout-for-periods default (1 hour)

    // force-all-periods default (7 days)

    // By default, will process last 52 days and months
    // It will be overwritten by the number of days since last archiving ran until completion.
    const DEFAULT_DATE_LAST = 52;

    // Since weeks are not used in yearly archives, we make sure that all possible weeks are processed
    const DEFAULT_DATE_LAST_WEEKS = 260;


    // Flag to know when the archive cron is calling the API
    const APPEND_TO_API_REQUEST = '&trigger=archivephp';

    // Flag used to record timestamp in Option::
    const OPTION_ARCHIVING_FINISHED_TS = "LastCompletedFullArchiving";

    // Name of option used to store starting timestamp
    const OPTION_ARCHIVING_STARTED_TS = "LastFullArchivingStartTime";

    // Show only first N characters from Piwik API output in case of errors

    // archiving  will be triggered on all websites with traffic in the last $shouldArchiveOnlySitesWithTrafficSince seconds
    private $shouldArchiveOnlySitesWithTrafficSince;

    // By default, we only process the current week/month/year at most once an hour
    private $processPeriodsMaximumEverySeconds;
    private $todayArchiveTimeToLive;
    private $websiteDayHasFinishedSinceLastRun = array();
    private $idSitesInvalidatedOldReports = array();
    private $shouldArchiveOnlySpecificPeriods = array();
     * @var SharedSiteIds|FixedSiteIds
    private $websites = array();
    private $allWebsites = array();
    private $segments = array();
    private $piwikUrl = false;
    private $token_auth = false;
    private $visitsToday = 0;
    private $requests = 0;
    private $output = '';
    private $archiveAndRespectTTL = true;

    private $lastSuccessRunTimestamp = false;
    private $errors = array();

    const NO_ERROR = "no error";

    public $testmode = false;

     * The list of IDs for sites for whom archiving should be initiated. If supplied, only these
     * sites will be archived.
     * @var int[]
    public $shouldArchiveSpecifiedSites = array();

     * The list of IDs of sites to ignore when launching archiving. Archiving will not be launched
     * for any site whose ID is in this list (even if the ID is supplied in {@link $shouldArchiveSpecifiedSites}
     * or if {@link $shouldArchiveAllSites} is true).
     * @var int[]
    public $shouldSkipSpecifiedSites = array();

     * If true, archiving will be launched for every site.
     * @var bool
    public $shouldArchiveAllSites = false;

     * If true, xhprof will be initiated for the archiving run. Only for development/testing.
     * @var bool
    public $shouldStartProfiler = false;

     * If HTTP requests are used to initiate archiving, this controls whether invalid SSL certificates should
     * be accepted or not by each request.
     * @var bool
    public $acceptInvalidSSLCertificate = false;

     * If set to true, scheduled tasks will not be run.
     * @var bool
    public $disableScheduledTasks = false;

     * The amount of seconds between non-day period archiving. That is, if archiving has been launched within
     * the past [$forceTimeoutPeriod] seconds, Piwik will not initiate archiving for week, month and year periods.
     * @var int|false
    public $forceTimeoutPeriod = false;

     * If supplied, archiving will be launched for sites that have had visits within the last [$shouldArchiveAllPeriodsSince]
     * seconds. If set to `true`, the value defaults to {@link ARCHIVE_SITES_WITH_TRAFFIC_SINCE}.
     * @var int|bool
    public $shouldArchiveAllPeriodsSince = false;

     * If supplied, archiving will be launched only for periods that fall within this date range. For example,
     * `"2012-01-01,2012-03-15"` would result in January 2012, February 2012 being archived but not April 2012.
     * @var string|false eg, `"2012-01-01,2012-03-15"`
    public $restrictToDateRange = false;

     * A list of periods to launch archiving for. By default, day, week, month and year periods
     * are considered. This variable can limit the periods to, for example, week & month only.
     * @var string[] eg, `array("day","week","month","year")`
    public $restrictToPeriods = array();

     * Forces CronArchive to retrieve data for the last [$dateLastForced] periods when initiating archiving.
     * When archiving weeks, for example, if 10 is supplied, the API will be called w/ last10. This will potentially
     * initiate archiving for the last 10 weeks.
     * @var int|false
    public $dateLastForced = false;

     * The number of concurrent requests to issue per website. Defaults to {@link MAX_CONCURRENT_API_REQUESTS}.
     * Used when archiving a site's segments concurrently.
     * @var int|false
    public $concurrentRequestsPerWebsite = false;

    private $websitesWithVisitsSinceLastRun = 0;
    private $skippedPeriodsArchivesWebsite = 0;
    private $skippedDayArchivesWebsites = 0;
    private $skipped = 0;
    private $processed = 0;
    private $archivedPeriodsArchivesWebsite = 0;

     * Returns the option name of the option that stores the time core:archive was last executed.
     * @param int $idSite
     * @param string $period
     * @return string
    public static function lastRunKey($idSite, $period)
        return "lastRunArchive" . $period . "_" . $idSite;

     * Constructor.
     * @param string|false $piwikUrl The URL to the Piwik installation to initiate archiving for. If `false`,
     *                               we determine it using the current request information.
     *                               If invoked via the command line, $piwikUrl cannot be false.
    public function __construct($piwikUrl = false)

     * Initializes and runs the cron archiver.
    public function main()
        $self = $this;
        Access::doAsSuperUser(function () use ($self) {

    public function init()
        // Note: the order of methods call matters here.


        // record archiving start time
        Option::set(self::OPTION_ARCHIVING_STARTED_TS, time());

        $this->segments    = $this->initSegmentsToArchive();
        $this->allWebsites = APISitesManager::getInstance()->getAllSitesId();

        if (!empty($this->shouldArchiveOnlySpecificPeriods)) {
            $this->log("- Will process the following periods: " . implode(", ", $this->shouldArchiveOnlySpecificPeriods) . " (--force-periods)");

        $websitesIds = $this->initWebsiteIds();

        if (!empty($this->shouldArchiveSpecifiedSites)
            || !empty($this->shouldArchiveAllSites)
            || !SharedSiteIds::isSupported()) {
            $this->websites = new FixedSiteIds($websitesIds);
        } else {
            $this->websites = new SharedSiteIds($websitesIds);
            if ($this->websites->getInitialSiteIds() != $websitesIds) {
                $this->log('Will ignore websites and help finish a previous started queue instead. IDs: ' . implode(', ', $this->websites->getInitialSiteIds()));

        if ($this->shouldStartProfiler) {
            \Piwik\Profiler::setupProfilerXHProf($mainRun = true);
            $this->log("XHProf profiling is enabled.");

         * This event is triggered after a CronArchive instance is initialized.
         * @param array $websiteIds The list of website IDs this CronArchive instance is processing.
         *                          This will be the entire list of IDs regardless of whether some have
         *                          already been processed.
        Piwik::postEvent('CronArchive.init.finish', array($this->websites->getInitialSiteIds()));

    public function runScheduledTasksInTrackerMode()

     * Main function, runs archiving on all websites with new activity
    public function run()
        $timer = new Timer;

        $this->log("Starting Piwik reports archiving...");

        do {
            $idSite = $this->websites->getNextSiteId();

            if (null === $idSite) {

            $requestsBefore = $this->requests;
            if ($idSite <= 0) {

            $skipWebsiteForced = in_array($idSite, $this->shouldSkipSpecifiedSites);
            if ($skipWebsiteForced) {
                $this->log("Skipped website id $idSite, found in --skip-idsites ");

             * This event is triggered before the cron archiving process starts archiving data for a single
             * site.
             * @param int $idSite The ID of the site we're archiving data for.
            Piwik::postEvent('CronArchive.archiveSingleSite.start', array($idSite));

            $completed = $this->archiveSingleSite($idSite, $requestsBefore);

             * This event is triggered immediately after the cron archiving process starts archiving data for a single
             * site.
             * @param int $idSite The ID of the site we're archiving data for.
            Piwik::postEvent('CronArchive.archiveSingleSite.finish', array($idSite, $completed));
        } while (!empty($idSite));

        $this->log("Done archiving!");

        $this->log("Total visits for today across archived websites: " . $this->visitsToday);

        $totalWebsites = count($this->allWebsites);
        $this->skipped = $totalWebsites - $this->websitesWithVisitsSinceLastRun;
        $this->log("Archived today's reports for {$this->websitesWithVisitsSinceLastRun} websites");
        $this->log("Archived week/month/year for {$this->archivedPeriodsArchivesWebsite} websites");
        $this->log("Skipped {$this->skipped} websites: no new visit since the last script execution");
        $this->log("Skipped {$this->skippedDayArchivesWebsites} websites day archiving: existing daily reports are less than {$this->todayArchiveTimeToLive} seconds old");
        $this->log("Skipped {$this->skippedPeriodsArchivesWebsite} websites week/month/year archiving: existing periods reports are less than {$this->processPeriodsMaximumEverySeconds} seconds old");
        $this->log("Total API requests: {$this->requests}");

        //DONE: done/total, visits, wtoday, wperiods, reqs, time, errors[count]: first eg.
        $percent = $this->websites->getNumSites() == 0
            ? ""
            : " " . round($this->processed * 100 / $this->websites->getNumSites(), 0) . "%";
        $this->log("done: " .
            $this->processed . "/" . $this->websites->getNumSites() . "" . $percent . ", " .
            $this->visitsToday . " vtoday, $this->websitesWithVisitsSinceLastRun wtoday, {$this->archivedPeriodsArchivesWebsite} wperiods, " .
            $this->requests . " req, " . round($timer->getTimeMs()) . " ms, " .
                ? self::NO_ERROR
                : (count($this->errors) . " errors."))

     * End of the script
    public function end()
        if (empty($this->errors)) {
            // No error -> Logs the successful script execution until completion
            Option::set(self::OPTION_ARCHIVING_FINISHED_TS, time());

        $this->logSection("SUMMARY OF ERRORS");
        foreach ($this->errors as $error) {
            // do not logError since errors are already in stderr
            $this->log("Error: " . $error);

        $summary = count($this->errors) . " total errors during this script execution, please investigate and try and fix these errors.";

    public function logFatalError($m)

    public function runScheduledTasks()
        $this->logSection("SCHEDULED TASKS");

        if ($this->disableScheduledTasks) {
            $this->log("Scheduled tasks are disabled with --disable-scheduled-tasks");

        $this->log("Starting Scheduled tasks... ");

        $tasksOutput = $this->request("?module=API&method=CoreAdminHome.runScheduledTasks&format=csv&convertToUnicode=0&token_auth=" . $this->token_auth);

        if ($tasksOutput == \Piwik\DataTable\Renderer\Csv::NO_DATA_AVAILABLE) {
            $tasksOutput = " No task to run";


    private function archiveSingleSite($idSite, $requestsBefore)
        $timerWebsite = new Timer;

        $lastTimestampWebsiteProcessedPeriods = $lastTimestampWebsiteProcessedDay = false;

        if ($this->archiveAndRespectTTL) {
            Option::clearCachedOption($this->lastRunKey($idSite, "periods"));
            $lastTimestampWebsiteProcessedPeriods = Option::get($this->lastRunKey($idSite, "periods"));

            Option::clearCachedOption($this->lastRunKey($idSite, "day"));
            $lastTimestampWebsiteProcessedDay = Option::get($this->lastRunKey($idSite, "day"));


        // For period other than days, we only re-process the reports at most
        // 1) every $processPeriodsMaximumEverySeconds
        $secondsSinceLastExecution = time() - $lastTimestampWebsiteProcessedPeriods;

        // if timeout is more than 10 min, we account for a 5 min processing time, and allow trigger 1 min earlier
        if ($this->processPeriodsMaximumEverySeconds > 10 * 60) {
            $secondsSinceLastExecution += 5 * 60;

        $shouldArchivePeriods = $secondsSinceLastExecution > $this->processPeriodsMaximumEverySeconds;
        if (empty($lastTimestampWebsiteProcessedPeriods)) {
            // 2) OR always if script never executed for this website before
            $shouldArchivePeriods = true;

        // (*) If the website is archived because it is a new day in its timezone
        // We make sure all periods are archived, even if there is 0 visit today
        $dayHasEndedMustReprocess = in_array($idSite, $this->websiteDayHasFinishedSinceLastRun);
        if ($dayHasEndedMustReprocess) {
            $shouldArchivePeriods = true;

        // (*) If there was some old reports invalidated for this website
        // we make sure all these old reports are triggered at least once
        $websiteIsOldDataInvalidate = $this->isOldReportInvalidatedForWebsite($idSite);

        if ($websiteIsOldDataInvalidate) {
            $shouldArchivePeriods = true;

        $websiteIdIsForced = in_array($idSite, $this->shouldArchiveSpecifiedSites);
        if ($websiteIdIsForced) {
            $shouldArchivePeriods = true;

        // Test if we should process this website at all
        $elapsedSinceLastArchiving = time() - $lastTimestampWebsiteProcessedDay;

        // Skip this day archive if last archive was older than TTL
        $existingArchiveIsValid = ($elapsedSinceLastArchiving < $this->todayArchiveTimeToLive);

        $skipDayArchive = $existingArchiveIsValid;

        // Invalidate old website forces the archiving for this site
        $skipDayArchive = $skipDayArchive && !$websiteIsOldDataInvalidate;

        // Also reprocess when day has ended since last run
        if ($dayHasEndedMustReprocess
            // it might have reprocessed for that day by another cron
            && !$this->hasBeenProcessedSinceMidnight($idSite, $lastTimestampWebsiteProcessedDay)
            && !$existingArchiveIsValid) {
            $skipDayArchive = false;

        if ($websiteIdIsForced) {
            $skipDayArchive = false;

        if ($skipDayArchive) {
            $this->log("Skipped website id $idSite, already done "
                . \Piwik\MetricsFormatter::getPrettyTimeFromSeconds($elapsedSinceLastArchiving, true, $isHtml = false)
                . " ago, " . $timerWebsite->__toString());
            return false;

        $shouldProceed = $this->processArchiveDays($idSite, $lastTimestampWebsiteProcessedDay, $shouldArchivePeriods, $timerWebsite);
        if (!$shouldProceed) {
            return false;

        if (!$shouldArchivePeriods) {
            $this->log("Skipped website id $idSite periods processing, already done "
                . \Piwik\MetricsFormatter::getPrettyTimeFromSeconds($elapsedSinceLastArchiving, true, $isHtml = false)
                . " ago, " . $timerWebsite->__toString());
            return false;

        $success = true;
        foreach (array('week', 'month', 'year') as $period) {

            if (!$this->shouldProcessPeriod($period)) {
                // if any period was skipped, we do not mark the Periods archiving as successful
                $success = false;

            $success = $this->archiveVisitsAndSegments($idSite, $period, $lastTimestampWebsiteProcessedPeriods)
                && $success;
        // Record succesful run of this website's periods archiving
        if ($success) {
            Option::set($this->lastRunKey($idSite, "periods"), time());


        $requestsWebsite = $this->requests - $requestsBefore;
        Log::info("Archived website id = $idSite, "
            . $requestsWebsite . " API requests, "
            . $timerWebsite->__toString()
            . " [" . $this->websites->getNumProcessedWebsites() . "/"
            . $this->websites->getNumSites()
            . " done]");

        return true;

     * Checks the config file is found.
     * @param $piwikUrl
     * @throws Exception
    protected function initConfigObject($piwikUrl)
        // HOST is required for the Config object
        $parsed = parse_url($piwikUrl);


        try {
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            throw new Exception("The configuration file for Piwik could not be found. " .
                "Please check that config/config.ini.php is readable by the user " .

     * Returns base URL to process reports for the $idSite on a given $period
    private function getVisitsRequestUrl($idSite, $period, $date)
        return "?module=API&method=API.get&idSite=$idSite&period=$period&date=" . $date . "&format=php&token_auth=" . $this->token_auth;

    private function initSegmentsToArchive()
        $segments = \Piwik\SettingsPiwik::getKnownSegmentsToArchive();

        if (empty($segments)) {
            return array();

        $this->log("- Will pre-process " . count($segments) . " Segments for each website and each period: " . implode(", ", $segments));
        return $segments;

     * @param $idSite
     * @param $lastTimestampWebsiteProcessedDay
     * @param $shouldArchivePeriods
     * @param $timerWebsite
     * @return bool
    protected function processArchiveDays($idSite, $lastTimestampWebsiteProcessedDay, $shouldArchivePeriods, Timer $timerWebsite)
        if (!$this->shouldProcessPeriod("day")) {
            // skip day archiving and proceed to period processing
            return true;

        // Fake that the request is already done, so that other core:archive commands
        // running do not grab the same website from the queue
        Option::set($this->lastRunKey($idSite, "day"), time());

        // Remove this website from the list of websites to be invalidated
        // since it's now just about to being re-processed, makes sure another running cron archiving process
        // does not archive the same idSite
        $websiteInvalidatedShouldReprocess = $this->isOldReportInvalidatedForWebsite($idSite);
        if ($websiteInvalidatedShouldReprocess) {
            $store = new InvalidatedReports();

        // when some data was purged from this website
        // we make sure we query all previous days/weeks/months
        $processDaysSince = $lastTimestampWebsiteProcessedDay;
        if ($websiteInvalidatedShouldReprocess
            // when --force-all-websites option,
            // also forces to archive last52 days to be safe
            || $this->shouldArchiveAllSites) {
            $processDaysSince = false;

        $date = $this->getApiDateParameter($idSite, "day", $processDaysSince);
        $url = $this->getVisitsRequestUrl($idSite, "day", $date);
        $content = $this->request($url);
        $daysResponse = @unserialize($content);

        if (empty($content)
            || !is_array($daysResponse)
            || count($daysResponse) == 0
        ) {
            // cancel the succesful run flag
            Option::set($this->lastRunKey($idSite, "day"), 0);

            // cancel marking the site as reprocessed
            if($websiteInvalidatedShouldReprocess) {
                $store = new InvalidatedReports();

            $this->logError("Empty or invalid response '$content' for website id $idSite, " . $timerWebsite->__toString() . ", skipping");
            return false;

        $visitsToday = $this->getVisitsLastPeriodFromApiResponse($daysResponse);
        $visitsLastDays = $this->getVisitsFromApiResponse($daysResponse);


        // If there is no visit today and we don't need to process this website, we can skip remaining archives
        if (0 == $visitsToday
            && !$shouldArchivePeriods
        ) {
            $this->log("Skipped website id $idSite, no visit today, " . $timerWebsite->__toString());
            return false;

        if (0 == $visitsLastDays
            && !$shouldArchivePeriods
            && $this->shouldArchiveAllSites
        ) {
            $this->log("Skipped website id $idSite, no visits in the last " . $date . " days, " . $timerWebsite->__toString());
            return false;

        $this->visitsToday += $visitsToday;
        $this->archiveVisitsAndSegments($idSite, "day", $processDaysSince);
        $this->logArchivedWebsite($idSite, "day", $date, $visitsLastDays, $visitsToday, $timerWebsite);

        return true;

    private function getSegmentsForSite($idSite)
        $segmentsAllSites = $this->segments;
        $segmentsThisSite = SettingsPiwik::getKnownSegmentsToArchiveForSite($idSite);
        if (!empty($segmentsThisSite)) {
            $this->log("Will pre-process the following " . count($segmentsThisSite) . " Segments for this website (id = $idSite): " . implode(", ", $segmentsThisSite));
        $segments = array_unique(array_merge($segmentsAllSites, $segmentsThisSite));
        return $segments;

     * Will trigger API requests for the specified Website $idSite,
     * for the specified $period, for all segments that are pre-processed for this website.
     * Requests are triggered using cURL multi handle
     * @param $idSite int
     * @param $period
     * @param $lastTimestampWebsiteProcessed
     * @return bool True on success, false if some request failed
    private function archiveVisitsAndSegments($idSite, $period, $lastTimestampWebsiteProcessed)
        $timer = new Timer();

        $url  = $this->piwikUrl;

        $date = $this->getApiDateParameter($idSite, $period, $lastTimestampWebsiteProcessed);
        $url .= $this->getVisitsRequestUrl($idSite, $period, $date);

        $url .= self::APPEND_TO_API_REQUEST;

        $visitsInLastPeriods = $visitsLastPeriod = 0;
        $success = true;

        $urls = array();

        $noSegmentUrl = $url;
        // already processed above for "day"
        if ($period != "day") {
            $urls[] = $url;

        foreach ($this->getSegmentsForSite($idSite) as $segment) {
            $urlWithSegment = $url . '&segment=' . urlencode($segment);
            $urls[] = $urlWithSegment;

        $cliMulti = new CliMulti();
        $response = $cliMulti->request($urls);

        foreach ($urls as $index => $url) {
            $content = array_key_exists($index, $response) ? $response[$index] : null;
            $success = $success && $this->checkResponse($content, $url);

            if ($noSegmentUrl === $url && $success) {

                $stats = @unserialize($content);
                if (!is_array($stats)) {
                    $this->logError("Error unserializing the following response from $url: " . $content);

                $visitsInLastPeriods = $this->getVisitsFromApiResponse($stats);
                $visitsLastPeriod = $this->getVisitsLastPeriodFromApiResponse($stats);

        // we have already logged the daily archive above
        if ($period != "day") {
            $this->logArchivedWebsite($idSite, $period, $date, $visitsInLastPeriods, $visitsLastPeriod, $timer);

        return $success;

     * Logs a section in the output
    private function logSection($title = "")
        if (!empty($title)) {

    public function log($m)
        $this->output .= $m . "\n";
        try {
        } catch(Exception $e) {
            print($m . "\n");

    public function logError($m)
        if (!defined('PIWIK_ARCHIVE_NO_TRUNCATE')) {
            $m = substr($m, 0, self::TRUNCATE_ERROR_MESSAGE_SUMMARY);
        $m = str_replace(array("\n", "\t"), " ", $m);
        $this->errors[] = $m;

    private function logNetworkError($url, $response)
        $message = "Got invalid response from API request: $url. ";
        if (empty($response)) {
            $message .= "The response was empty. This usually means a server error. This solution to this error is generally to increase the value of 'memory_limit' in your php.ini file. Please check your Web server Error Log file for more details.";
        } else {
            $message .= "Response was '$response'";
        return false;

     * Issues a request to $url
    private function request($url)
        $url = $this->piwikUrl . $url . self::APPEND_TO_API_REQUEST;

        if ($this->shouldStartProfiler) {
            $url .= "&xhprof=2";

        if ($this->testmode) {
            $url .= "&testmode=1";

        try {

            $cliMulti  = new CliMulti();
            $responses = $cliMulti->request(array($url));

            $response  = !empty($responses) ? array_shift($responses) : null;

        } catch (Exception $e) {
            return $this->logNetworkError($url, $e->getMessage());
        if ($this->checkResponse($response, $url)) {
            return $response;
        return false;

    private function checkResponse($response, $url)
        if (empty($response)
            || stripos($response, 'error')
        ) {
            return $this->logNetworkError($url, $response);
        return true;

     * Configures Piwik\Log so messages are written in output
    private function initLog()
        $config = Config::getInstance();

        $log = $config->log;
        $log['log_only_when_debug_parameter'] = 0;
        $log[Log::LOG_WRITERS_CONFIG_OPTION][] = "screen";

        $config->log = $log;

        // Make sure we log at least INFO (if logger is set to DEBUG then keep it)
        $logLevel = Log::getInstance()->getLogLevel();
        if ($logLevel < Log::INFO) {

     * Init Piwik, connect DB, create log & config objects, etc.
    private function initCore()
        try {
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            throw new Exception("ERROR: During Piwik init, Message: " . $e->getMessage());

     * Initializes the various parameters to the script, based on input parameters.
    private function initStateFromParameters()
        $this->todayArchiveTimeToLive = Rules::getTodayArchiveTimeToLive();
        $this->processPeriodsMaximumEverySeconds = $this->getDelayBetweenPeriodsArchives();
        $this->lastSuccessRunTimestamp = Option::get(self::OPTION_ARCHIVING_FINISHED_TS);
        $this->shouldArchiveOnlySitesWithTrafficSince = $this->isShouldArchiveAllSitesWithTrafficSince();
        $this->shouldArchiveOnlySpecificPeriods = $this->getPeriodsToProcess();

        if ($this->shouldArchiveOnlySitesWithTrafficSince === false) {
            // force-all-periods is not set here
            if (empty($this->lastSuccessRunTimestamp)) {
                // First time we run the script
                $this->shouldArchiveOnlySitesWithTrafficSince = self::ARCHIVE_SITES_WITH_TRAFFIC_SINCE;
            } else {
                // there was a previous successful run
                $this->shouldArchiveOnlySitesWithTrafficSince = time() - $this->lastSuccessRunTimestamp;
        }  else {
            // force-all-periods is set here
            $this->archiveAndRespectTTL = false;

            if ($this->shouldArchiveOnlySitesWithTrafficSince === true) {
                // force-all-periods without value
                $this->shouldArchiveOnlySitesWithTrafficSince = self::ARCHIVE_SITES_WITH_TRAFFIC_SINCE;

    public function filterWebsiteIds(&$websiteIds)
        // Keep only the websites that do exist
        $websiteIds = array_intersect($websiteIds, $this->allWebsites);

         * Triggered by the **core:archive** console command so plugins can modify the list of
         * websites that the archiving process will be launched for.
         * Plugins can use this hook to add websites to archive, remove websites to archive, or change
         * the order in which websites will be archived.
         * @param array $websiteIds The list of website IDs to launch the archiving process for.
        Piwik::postEvent('CronArchive.filterWebsiteIds', array(&$websiteIds));

     *  Returns the list of sites to loop over and archive.
     *  @return array
    public function initWebsiteIds()
        if (count($this->shouldArchiveSpecifiedSites) > 0) {
            $this->log("- Will process " . count($this->shouldArchiveSpecifiedSites) . " websites (--force-idsites)");

            return $this->shouldArchiveSpecifiedSites;
        if ($this->shouldArchiveAllSites) {
            $this->log("- Will process all " . count($this->allWebsites) . " websites");
            return $this->allWebsites;

        $websiteIds = array_merge(
        $websiteIds = array_merge($websiteIds, $this->addWebsiteIdsInTimezoneWithNewDay($websiteIds));
        return array_unique($websiteIds);

    private function initTokenAuth()
        $token = '';

         * @ignore
        Piwik::postEvent('CronArchive.getTokenAuth', array(&$token));
        $this->token_auth = $token;

    public function getTokenAuth()
        return $this->token_auth;

    private function initPiwikHost($piwikUrl = false)
        // If core:archive command run as a web cron, we use the current hostname+path
        if (empty($piwikUrl)) {
            if (!empty(self::$url)) {
                $piwikUrl = self::$url;
            } else {
                // example.org/piwik/
                $piwikUrl = SettingsPiwik::getPiwikUrl();

        if (!$piwikUrl) {

        if (!\Piwik\UrlHelper::isLookLikeUrl($piwikUrl)) {
            // try adding http:// in case it's missing
            $piwikUrl = "http://" . $piwikUrl;

        if (!\Piwik\UrlHelper::isLookLikeUrl($piwikUrl)) {

        // ensure there is a trailing slash
        if ($piwikUrl[strlen($piwikUrl) - 1] != '/' && !Common::stringEndsWith($piwikUrl, 'index.php')) {
            $piwikUrl .= '/';


        if (Config::getInstance()->General['force_ssl'] == 1) {
            $piwikUrl = str_replace('http://', 'https://', $piwikUrl);

        if (!Common::stringEndsWith($piwikUrl, 'index.php')) {
            $piwikUrl .= 'index.php';

        $this->piwikUrl = $piwikUrl;

    private function updateIdSitesInvalidatedOldReports()
        $store = new InvalidatedReports();
        $this->idSitesInvalidatedOldReports = $store->getSitesToReprocess();

     * Return All websites that had reports in the past which were invalidated recently
     * (see API CoreAdminHome.invalidateArchivedReports)
     * eg. when using Python log import script
     * @return array
    private function getInvalidatedSitesToReprocess()

        if (count($this->idSitesInvalidatedOldReports) > 0) {
            $ids = ", IDs: " . implode(", ", $this->idSitesInvalidatedOldReports);
            $this->log("- Will process " . count($this->idSitesInvalidatedOldReports)
                . " other websites because some old data reports have been invalidated (eg. using the Log Import script) "
                . $ids);

        return $this->idSitesInvalidatedOldReports;

     * Returns all sites that had visits since specified time
     * @return string
    private function addWebsiteIdsWithVisitsSinceLastRun()
        $sitesIdWithVisits = APISitesManager::getInstance()->getSitesIdWithVisits(time() - $this->shouldArchiveOnlySitesWithTrafficSince);
        $websiteIds = !empty($sitesIdWithVisits) ? ", IDs: " . implode(", ", $sitesIdWithVisits) : "";
        $prettySeconds = \Piwik\MetricsFormatter::getPrettyTimeFromSeconds( $this->shouldArchiveOnlySitesWithTrafficSince, true, false);
        $this->log("- Will process " . count($sitesIdWithVisits) . " websites with new visits since "
            . $prettySeconds
            . " "
            . $websiteIds);
        return $sitesIdWithVisits;

     * Returns the list of timezones where the specified timestamp in that timezone
     * is on a different day than today in that timezone.
     * @return array
    private function getTimezonesHavingNewDay()
        $timestamp = $this->lastSuccessRunTimestamp;
        $uniqueTimezones = APISitesManager::getInstance()->getUniqueSiteTimezones();
        $timezoneToProcess = array();
        foreach ($uniqueTimezones as &$timezone) {
            $processedDateInTz = Date::factory((int)$timestamp, $timezone);
            $currentDateInTz = Date::factory('now', $timezone);

            if ($processedDateInTz->toString() != $currentDateInTz->toString()) {
                $timezoneToProcess[] = $timezone;
        return $timezoneToProcess;

    private function hasBeenProcessedSinceMidnight($idSite, $lastTimestampWebsiteProcessedDay)
        if (false === $lastTimestampWebsiteProcessedDay) {
            return true;

        $timezone = Site::getTimezoneFor($idSite);

        $dateInTimezone     = Date::factory('now', $timezone);
        $midnightInTimezone = $dateInTimezone->setTime('00:00:00');

        $lastProcessedDateInTimezone = Date::factory((int) $lastTimestampWebsiteProcessedDay, $timezone);

        return $lastProcessedDateInTimezone->getTimestamp() >= $midnightInTimezone->getTimestamp();

     * Returns the list of websites in which timezones today is a new day
     * (compared to the last time archiving was executed)
     * @param $websiteIds
     * @return array Website IDs
    private function addWebsiteIdsInTimezoneWithNewDay($websiteIds)
        $timezones = $this->getTimezonesHavingNewDay();
        $websiteDayHasFinishedSinceLastRun = APISitesManager::getInstance()->getSitesIdFromTimezones($timezones);
        $websiteDayHasFinishedSinceLastRun = array_diff($websiteDayHasFinishedSinceLastRun, $websiteIds);
        $this->websiteDayHasFinishedSinceLastRun = $websiteDayHasFinishedSinceLastRun;

        if (count($websiteDayHasFinishedSinceLastRun) > 0) {
            $ids = !empty($websiteDayHasFinishedSinceLastRun) ? ", IDs: " . implode(", ", $websiteDayHasFinishedSinceLastRun) : "";
            $this->log("- Will process " . count($websiteDayHasFinishedSinceLastRun)
                . " other websites because the last time they were archived was on a different day (in the website's timezone) "
                . $ids);

        return $websiteDayHasFinishedSinceLastRun;

     *  Test that the specified piwik URL is a valid Piwik endpoint.
    private function checkPiwikUrlIsValid()
        $response = $this->request("?module=API&method=API.getDefaultMetricTranslations&format=original&serialize=1");
        $responseUnserialized = @unserialize($response);
        if ($response === false
            || !is_array($responseUnserialized)
        ) {
            $this->logFatalError("The Piwik URL {$this->piwikUrl} does not seem to be pointing to a Piwik server. Response was '$response'.");

    private function logInitInfo()
        $this->log("Piwik is installed at: {$this->piwikUrl}");
        $this->log("Running Piwik " . Version::VERSION . " as Super User");

    private function logArchiveTimeoutInfo()

        // Recommend to disable browser archiving when using this script
        if (Rules::isBrowserTriggerEnabled()) {
            $this->log("- If you execute this script at least once per hour (or more often) in a crontab, you may disable 'Browser trigger archiving' in Piwik UI > Settings > General Settings. ");
            $this->log("  See the doc at: http://piwik.org/docs/setup-auto-archiving/");
        $this->log("- Reports for today will be processed at most every " . $this->todayArchiveTimeToLive
            . " seconds. You can change this value in Piwik UI > Settings > General Settings.");
        $this->log("- Reports for the current week/month/year will be refreshed at most every "
            . $this->processPeriodsMaximumEverySeconds . " seconds.");

        // Try and not request older data we know is already archived
        if ($this->lastSuccessRunTimestamp !== false) {
            $dateLast = time() - $this->lastSuccessRunTimestamp;
            $this->log("- Archiving was last executed without error " . \Piwik\MetricsFormatter::getPrettyTimeFromSeconds($dateLast, true, $isHtml = false) . " ago");

     * Returns the delay in seconds, that should be enforced, between calling archiving for Periods Archives.
     * It can be set by --force-timeout-for-periods=X
     * @return int
    private function getDelayBetweenPeriodsArchives()
        if (empty($this->forceTimeoutPeriod)) {

        // Ensure the cache for periods is at least as high as cache for today
        if ($this->forceTimeoutPeriod > $this->todayArchiveTimeToLive) {
            return $this->forceTimeoutPeriod;

        $this->log("WARNING: Automatically increasing --force-timeout-for-periods from {$this->forceTimeoutPeriod} to "
            . $this->todayArchiveTimeToLive
            . " to match the cache timeout for Today's report specified in Piwik UI > Settings > General Settings");

        return $this->todayArchiveTimeToLive;

    private function isShouldArchiveAllSitesWithTrafficSince()
        if (empty($this->shouldArchiveAllPeriodsSince)) {
            return false;

        if (is_numeric($this->shouldArchiveAllPeriodsSince)
            && $this->shouldArchiveAllPeriodsSince > 1
        ) {
            return (int)$this->shouldArchiveAllPeriodsSince;

        return true;

    private function logFatalErrorUrlExpected()
        $this->logFatalError("./console core:archive expects the argument 'url' to be set to your Piwik URL, for example: --url=http://example.org/piwik/ "
            . "\n--help for more information");

    private function getVisitsLastPeriodFromApiResponse($stats)
        if (empty($stats)) {
            return 0;

        $today = end($stats);

        return $today['nb_visits'];

    private function getVisitsFromApiResponse($stats)
        if (empty($stats)) {
            return 0;

        $visits = 0;
        foreach($stats as $metrics) {
            if (empty($metrics['nb_visits'])) {
            $visits += $metrics['nb_visits'];

        return $visits;

     * @param $idSite
     * @param $period
     * @param $lastTimestampWebsiteProcessed
     * @return float|int|true
    private function getApiDateParameter($idSite, $period, $lastTimestampWebsiteProcessed = false)
        $dateRangeForced = $this->getDateRangeToProcess();

        if (!empty($dateRangeForced)) {
            return $dateRangeForced;

        return $this->getDateLastN($idSite, $period, $lastTimestampWebsiteProcessed);

     * @param $idSite
     * @param $period
     * @param $date
     * @param $visitsInLastPeriods
     * @param $visitsToday
     * @param $timer
    private function logArchivedWebsite($idSite, $period, $date, $visitsInLastPeriods, $visitsToday, Timer $timer)
        if (substr($date, 0, 4) === 'last') {
            $visitsInLastPeriods = (int)$visitsInLastPeriods . " visits in last " . $date . " " . $period . "s, ";
            $thisPeriod = $period == "day" ? "today" : "this " . $period;
            $visitsInLastPeriod = (int)$visitsToday . " visits " . $thisPeriod . ", ";
        } else {
            $visitsInLastPeriods = (int)$visitsInLastPeriods . " visits in " . $period . "s included in: $date, ";
            $visitsInLastPeriod = '';

        $this->log("Archived website id = $idSite, period = $period, "
            . $visitsInLastPeriods
            . $visitsInLastPeriod
            . $timer->__toString());

    private function getDateRangeToProcess()
        if (empty($this->restrictToDateRange)) {
            return false;

        if (strpos($this->restrictToDateRange, ',') === false) {
            throw new Exception("--force-date-range expects a date range ie. YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD");

        return $this->restrictToDateRange;

     * @return array
    private function getPeriodsToProcess()
        $this->restrictToPeriods = array_intersect($this->restrictToPeriods, $this->getDefaultPeriodsToProcess());
        $this->restrictToPeriods = array_intersect($this->restrictToPeriods, PeriodFactory::getPeriodsEnabledForAPI());

        return $this->restrictToPeriods;

     * @return array
    private function getDefaultPeriodsToProcess()
        return array('day', 'week', 'month', 'year');

     * @param $idSite
     * @return bool
    private function isOldReportInvalidatedForWebsite($idSite)
        return in_array($idSite, $this->idSitesInvalidatedOldReports);

    private function shouldProcessPeriod($period)
        if (empty($this->shouldArchiveOnlySpecificPeriods)) {
            return true;

        return in_array($period, $this->shouldArchiveOnlySpecificPeriods);

     * @param $idSite
     * @param $period
     * @param $lastTimestampWebsiteProcessed
     * @return string
    private function getDateLastN($idSite, $period, $lastTimestampWebsiteProcessed)
        $dateLastMax = self::DEFAULT_DATE_LAST;
        if ($period == 'year') {
            $dateLastMax = self::DEFAULT_DATE_LAST_YEARS;
        } elseif ($period == 'week') {
            $dateLastMax = self::DEFAULT_DATE_LAST_WEEKS;
        if (empty($lastTimestampWebsiteProcessed)) {
            $lastTimestampWebsiteProcessed = strtotime(\Piwik\Site::getCreationDateFor($idSite));

        // Enforcing last2 at minimum to work around timing issues and ensure we make most archives available
        $dateLast = floor((time() - $lastTimestampWebsiteProcessed) / 86400) + 2;
        if ($dateLast > $dateLastMax) {
            $dateLast = $dateLastMax;

        if (!empty($this->dateLastForced)) {
            $dateLast = $this->dateLastForced;

        return "last" . $dateLast;

     * @return int
    private function getConcurrentRequestsPerWebsite()
        if (false !== $this->concurrentRequestsPerWebsite) {
            return $this->concurrentRequestsPerWebsite;

        return self::MAX_CONCURRENT_API_REQUESTS;